Sunday, August 12, 2012


‘ Tarts  In  TownS ’

As we travel this country   -   Australia
and visit some cities and towns
we will seek out ‘Tarts’ in regalia.
They may not necessarily  -  be wearing gowns.

So far  -  those that we’ve met have been sweet ones
and have had a heart that is dark.
So just for your personal guidance
and also ;  for a bit of a lark.

We intend to record the findings, of all the’ Tarts ’ that we meet
But we do not expect to find one
that is not curvaciously complete.

Tradition dictates they be tiny
Petite  -  Well Rounded and Full
But if we find many that are not.  This rhyme may be sorrowful.

We will specialise in ‘ Tarts ‘ of Australia,
but originally from distant shores.
So the word that ends this rhyme line , should definitely give you pause,
to consider these dainty damsels
other than naming them whores.

Petite and Well Rounded we have said,
in an earlier section of verse.
Most are ; not very easily fondled, others are more perverse.
Smooth and soft in appearance.
Garbed in different hues.
Most combine very plain colours. Not yet have we seen matching blues.

Pink and white is quite common, but certainly not first preference
Brown and white is a standard
that should be treated with deference
In around Goulburn, Yass and Albury
they seemed to be in disorder.
On then into Wodonga, which is just across the border.
The standard was not a high one
and let this be a lesson,
when you finally cross state boundaries, do not expect ‘Tarts’ to be in procession.

They do not reach a higher standard, of purity poise and elegance.
Because a government dictated boundary line
simply does not have any relevance.

‘ Tarts ’ will be ‘Tarts’ wherever they lay
in Victoria or New South Wales,
it seems most to matter, is the origin ; the country from which she hails.

We travelled on through Cobram and villages in between,
crissing and crossing the Murray,
until Moama and Echuca were seen.

Headed down south to Bendigo, and on to Ballarat.
Visited many  venues, where ‘ Tarts ‘ in their finery sat.

Along the great Southern Ocean Road
to a tiny town  --  Killarney.
Where ‘ Tarts ‘ were garbed in green and green and  ‘ oorish ‘ folk
spoke the “ blarney “.

Then North until we reached Swan Hill,
whilst we looked thither and yon,
and nary a titillating ‘ Tart ‘ was found,
suitable to fill the bill.

As we have yet to establish the origin,
where ‘Neenish’ were first prepared,
by a country cook or an hotel chef, or indeed in the house of a Laird.

But what we can say that up to this day
the best has been Oberon.

(c).Rimeriter. 4/98. Revised and
Translated from Writenow 22/10/07.

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