Thursday, February 01, 2007


When I was a boy a a dog old and true
lived by the creek with us and as I grew
became very much loved as my only play friend,
so in memory he does until my end.
His master, my brother away ploughing hard ground,
just me and my mother aware of each sound,
the times were Depression, each shilling hard won.
My brother, Mick's master - the eldest son.
My father just missing while chasing good work.
My sisters their schooling were not able to shirk
until coming of age for courtship and marriage,
no silvery slippers or a golden carriage.
So Mick was our guardian as well as a friend
should there be a danger ol'Mick would soon send
a message by barking and snarling real loud
whether rain was upon us or nary a cloud.
This day as so happened, no cloud in the sky,
a Goanna came seeking feathered chicken pie,
ol' Mick was defending our wired coop and run
by dashing and snapping - it was his day in the sun.
My mother soon joined him, I stood at her side
throwing sticks and stones while glowing with pride
at Mick and his anger at Goanna stealing eggs
until this daylight robber ran off on short legs.
He got to the main road not feeling much pain,
sidled over the edge down into storm drain,
safe and secure when then in the night
made off into the bush to recover from fright.
(c). Rimeriter. 14/12/06.

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