Monday, October 31, 2011

Positive Comments.

These are nice remarks, even more appreciated when received from people not known to me.

Our Island Continent + My Australia.

beautiful poetry! Thank you for sharing.
The first one was so fascinating that I forgot I was reading a poem.

Would love to hear more of your poerty if you don't mind please
 Mariushka Ostrowski.


My Australia + Birthplace

Both of these poems are awesome, Jim!
I nearly cried with the tribute to Australia.
With talent like that, your name will live on forever, even if you don't have the fame and fortune to show for it.
Vincent Van Gogh and Emily Dickinson weren't hailed in their life times, either, yet they left impressions on the minds and hearts of millions. And hey, you're still young. :)
Plenty of time for the fame and fortune to find you after all.
Joanna Cook.

The Poddy Rider.

       You may have heard our story on Country Hour about Ryan Fogarty, the 11-year-old from Anningie Station in the Northern Territory.He became the poddy ride champion at Harts Range rodeo about 200 kilometres north east of Alice Springs over the weekend. It inspired bush poet Jim Spain, also known as Rimeriter, to pick up his pen.

We had your poem read on the Country Hour just then and it sounded fantastic!

Caddie Brain ABC Radio.

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