Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bloody Billy.

Well, to start with, even though it has little if anything to do with the true tale - is this, and you may remember it ?

the billy goat was blind
he backed into a barbed wire fence
and hurt his
never mind'.

Blimey, shades of many moons ago.
Now, the true tale begins.
But as with ALL true stories it does not start with –
'Once upon a time'.

On a particular sunny day, My Big Sis - Your Mum, decided more milk was required as Myrtle, the black and white milker was not giving much, a trip to the local Charlestown shop was needed.

So, your Sis - Sonia and your Unca Jim were duly despatched to obtain some.
A quart billy can was produced, also the necessary money and we set off along the eastern side of the Highway so as not to cross until the shopping area.
  Good decision.
Upon obtaining the 'said' quart of milk and with the billy can lid firmly set in place, we began the return journey. We also agreed for reasons now unknown, to go back on the western side of the highway.
   Bad Decision.

Now, the day was bright and sunny, not anything like the other billy goats night, so we strolled along carrying the billy can by its bowed wire handle.
Some times she, some times me.
Some times between us.

Being a young innocent boy from the city, wide eyed about bushy things, I was not aware or prepared for that which soon occurred.
Along this western side was a fenced paddock which constrained a white billy goat. This paddock was still a distance from our destination and on the opposite side of the highway.
Nevertheless, 'Billy' appeared friendly as we approached. This being so, we decide he deserved a pat on his head. We took turns at patting. 'Billy' seemed pleased. He also took an interest in that which we were carrying. Perhaps the smell was interesting or the shininess was appealing.
We decided to allow 'Billy' a closer look by raising it up and over the fence.

A few things I learned that day -
Goats can be friendly.
Goats have hard heads.
Goats like to butt at things.
Goats know how to spill milk, almost a full quart.
and - - - -

- - - - - - - -

older sisters can get very cranky.

OH YES !   and one thing more -
what a sore bum feels like.


POOR   Rimeriter.

Writers - Press Release & Book Launch.

Ever wondered how a budding self publisher can get made a book known to the world?

The bad news is that no one can give you a sure fire formula that can guarantee you achieve this.

The good news is that Press Releases can offer the first time author an affordable, proven way at potentially getting a massive amount of media attention!  

So What’s a Press Release?

For the author, a press release is a great way to share news about your new book. The key here is that it needs to be newsworthy, i.e.  it’s interesting or important enough that news publishers would want to report it.

A press release is a statement prepared for distribution to the news media announcing something claimed as having news value with the intent of generating media coverage. In other words, the aim is to get your news item published so you get lots of free advertising!

The First Important Element

The press release is generally around 500 words in length and the most critical part of it is probably the headline. You have one chance to impress so make sure your headline stands out from the many hundreds of other news releases that journalists skim through daily.

The Second Important Element

Find the right angle; make sure your press releases are written in a newsworthy manner- is your news release relevant to some other current major news items? Remember this is not a advertisement, and if you overhype your press release you will be ignored.

The Third Important Element

Make sure you include a good call to action; whether it’s to contact you for more information or to buy your book. Ensure all the relevant contact details are in place, if those details are not there, your news released will be trashed.

The Final Element

Your press release needs to be distributed to press distribution services that journalists actually read, and that provide good coverage. If you go for the free press releases you are going to get what you pay for: nothing!
We utilise a proven press release service in Australia, which has a reach of several thousand journalists Australia wide in TV, radio and print.

In the US, we use PR Newswire which is the same distribution service that many professional publicity companies and Fortune 500 companies use. With PR Newswire, your news release will reach over 250,000 US news subscribers, and over 30,000 journalists and bloggers, including outlets such as USA Today, NY Times, and Washington Post.

In summary, press releases are a great way for the self publisher with a tight budget to potentially gain massive attention for their book without selling the farm. It would be a real loss to any author who misses out on utilising this tool.

Hope you enjoyed this article!


Terence Tam


Charlotte takes novel approach to book launch
Students from St Mary's Primary School performed a scene from Charlotte Calder's new book for young readers titled The Ghost at the Point. It was the perfect way to introduce everyone to the book which features a cast of "goodies and baddies" in a thrilling historical mystery to make your spine tingle.
It was the first time the Library had hosted a performance for a book launch and it tied in well with the National Year of Reading celebrations which promote reading as fun.
Author Charlotte Calder was thrilled with their efforts and was impressed to see her story come to life before a large crowd of family, friends and well wishers.
The book launch was supported by Boomers Bookshop and ABC Centre. This is Charlotte's sixth book to be launched at the Orange City Library and supported by the Central West Writers' Centre. Well done everyone!


Friday, June 08, 2012

Poetry Review and Discussion.

Maybe because I get a mention, this item is very interesting. 
However, it is a distillation of many, many insights and comments.       

Group: Poetry Review and Discuss
Bonnie Jean, if I may be so bold (and too often am), you have no cause whatever for embarrassment.
Look above at Bonnie Roberts and James Hercules and James Brown and Jim Spain and Ronald--five of the finest critical minds on these pages--attempting to define poetry.
And failing magnificently. 
While reading their wonderful posts I have come to some penetrating new insights on the nature of poetry and prose. What I have NOT learned is--what IS poetry?
I mean, a normative "definition". a delineation that will encompass all poetry. Uh-uh. Not going to happen. And IMO, probably we'll encounter similar roadblocks defining prose.

And in various posts and at various junctures in their discussion, the five thinkers noted above acknowledge the great difficulty of defining art forms--and question the value of the enterprise--if it inhibits the creativity of artists.

Bonnie Jean's question opens up yet anothe avenue of enquiry:how to distinguish (or should we bother) between "prose" and "story" or "fiction"?
A lot of stories, traditional and contemporary, present in Poetry--but many more in what most of us would call "prose". Where's the dividing line?

Help, Fab Five!
Posted by Clark Cook

Good advertisement.

By Caddie Brain
Tuesday, 5 June  2012 
If you drive along the Stuart Highway at the moment, it's just one long line of white caravans headed in both directions.
With the cooler months upon us, the grey nomads are out in force.
There's queues at the petrol bowsers, and the caravan parks are full.
It inspired our resident bush poet here at the Northern Territory Country Hour Jim Spain, to pen a few words -

Ramblin' the road that leads to everywhere is mighty good for your soul.
Do not select a particular place, have anywhere as your goal –

Road to Everywhere.
There s a road that leads to everywhere across rolling hills and plains,
by red dirt it is painted, 
even down flat culvert drains.
It stretches to high mountains where wide winged eagles soar, 
it plunges down to valleys and where mighty rivers roar 
then meanders to far oceans with a whitened crystal shore.
Rolling hills dressed in their greenery are solace to your eye, 
as a portrait with a backdrop, a softly tinted sky.
Saltbush plains are finely dotted with pincushion mimosa clumps, 
while corrugated, winding mountain tracks or gravelled trails with stumps, 
cause an exhilaration in a pounding heart which thumps.
Torrential rains rush to the South to make all rivers run - 
with sparkling, glistening water which dances in the sun.
So take the Road to Everywhere, to connect with every other one.

©. Rimeriter circa 2000.