Saturday, November 06, 2010

Bloody Marvellous.

WELL !   Who was it once said -  'Who'd a thunkit' ?

My personal thanks to all involved in structuring, setting up, organising
then presenting an NWG meeting that was available to all we members yesterday.

Comments around the room were very positive.

I enjoyed and benefited from the presentations and information enormously.

As I am sure others would.

My intention is to copy and paste these few words into my Blogspot.
Again, a facility to which I was introduced and set up in by a marvellous member.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

The Rains Came

and the
from far up north,
torrential rain poured across those plains
that channel water from flooding rains
where a tropic storm raged, way up high
darkening to blue the northen sky,
bruising first then next to black,
quenching thirsts in our

©. Rimeriter 5/10.
Image extracts from ABC Rural.
Note :  the images did not transpose.